Picara Baby Carriers

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Last Day Of School

Sarah's last day of preschool was yesterday. We had a very fun time at school. Took pictures of her with all her buddies. Here's one of her teacher, Nelda.

She's such a super sweet lady. We made her a bag with handprints of all the kids decorated in fabric paint. We added a bunch of cards and pampering stuff inside. Sarah and I made her satin pillowcases.

Sarah's dad came from San Francisco for her end of school picnic. Here they are making paper bag vests for our "roundup".

There was a bounce house for the picnic. Sarah adores bounce houses. I thought we were lucky to get through the night without an injury, but wait, just as we were getting ready to leave. Bam. She gets bounced up from a kid while she was bouncing down. She ended up biting most of the way through her bottom lip and her front four teeth are now slightly loose.
As of today they aren't terribly sore, so I'm not going to worry about a dentist visit. She's getting tons of pampering from us and seems to be doing ok. Her bottom lip is twice it's normal size and black and blue and red. She also has a big lump under her chin from where the other kid's head hit.
I'm very impressed with her pain tolerance though. As soon as the bleeding stopped, she was off playing again. That's kids for ya.


At 10:04 PM, June 10, 2006, Blogger Becky said...

Ouch! Poor Sarah... Tyler loves those bounce houses too. I grit my teeth and wince when there are a lot of kids in there at once. It's nerve wracking!

No last day of school here. Ty's preschool will just go right in to summer camp (same place, same time).


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